I’m way behind on my blog posts, partly because Kathryn and I have had a lot going on this week. I’m not ready to go into the details, but we’ve been working on a project here in Montpellier that may or may not pan out. That’s why we’re back so soon after our last visit. It may take several more visits before we either succeed or throw in the towel.
We’ve had a half-dozen meetings this week, and for my part, always being the only person in the room who can speak both English and French has been exhausting. As a teenager, I learned how to read and write French, and in my thirties I spent some time here in Montpellier getting slightly better at speaking and listening. However, translation is something I’ve never spent even a minute learning. I assure you, the presumption that someone who speaks two languages is able to translate between them is entirely false. It’s really its own set of skills.
Okay, I’ll stop whining now.
As we have been so busy on this stay, a lot of our most pleasurable moments have been while eating or drinking, so I’ll leave you with one of a number of forthcoming food photos.

This was our leisurely Monday lunch on the patio at Casa di Giorgio, an Italian restaurant located directly below the apartment where we stayed our last four times in Montpellier — but not this time. I had a breaded veal scaloppine, served with salad and pasta. It was delicious. Kathryn and I couldn’t decide between red and white wine, so we split the difference and had a pitcher of house rosé.
Somewhere there’s a sommelier who’s wincing right now.