After a rough afternoon and evening Wednesday spent recovering from whatever had gotten me sick, I woke up a little on the late side Thursday, but I was ready to eat and walk. Since I was staying in a hotel, breakfast included things I don’t usually see in gîtes — like meat — so I loaded up. By 8:30 am, I was ready to cover some distance — and also to be more aware of trail markings so that I didn’t repeat the mistake I made Tuesday.

For my stay Thursday night, I reserved a bed in a former Ursuline chapel in Aire-sur-l’Adour. The former nave of the chapel was the gathering and dining area. I think where most of us slept was a former sacristy.

The biggest surprise of the evening was hearing my name in the dormitory. It was Babar. Somehow I’d caught up to him again. We had a couple beers and chatted. He said it was the first time he’d ever had a beer in a church. I wasn’t sure I could say the same.
Approximate distance walked Thursday: 18.2 miles.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were a lot more of the same, all being longer days. I know it may sound crazy that a journey like this has a routine, but there is definitely a certain rhythm. Backpack is ready to go at first daylight, breakfast, and back on the trail again. Make a stop for water, snacks, or lunch if available. Arrive at the gîte, shower, take a nap, have a beer or two, eat dinner. Usually get in bed before dark. Repeat.

Approximate distance walked Friday: 21.1 miles.
Approximate distance walked Saturday: 19.3 miles.
Approximate distance walked Sunday: 20.0 miles.