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  • Time for a change, for better or worse
    With less than 24 hours to go until I leave town to begin phase two of my Camino de Santiago pilgrimage, I thought it was a...
  • Closing time in Montpellier
    Kathryn and I have been traveling back and forth to France a lot over the last 15 months, and I figure it’s time to share why....
  • Winding down the year
    Kathryn and I are winding down the year with another trip to Montpellier, to continue the project we’ve been working on for over a year. With...
  • Mixing pleasure with business
    Normally, it wouldn’t make a whole lot of sense to spend an entire day traveling somewhere and an entire day traveling home only to be spend...
  • Déjà vu
    It seems like only four weeks ago I was sitting in Terminal 3 at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix, waiting for the first of three flights...